VILLAGE OF DECATUR REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 9th, 2022 @ 4:30 PM NOTE: Everyone must use the microphones at the table. The audience must be quiet during the meeting. If you want to ask a question …


VILLAGE OF DECATUR REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 9th, 2022 @ 4:30 PM NOTE: Everyone must use the microphones at the table. The audience must be quiet during the meeting. If you want to ask a question and you are not on the agenda, you must raise your hand, get permission from the Chairman, and come to the microphone before speaking. If you are on the agenda the same rule applies. THE VILLAGE BOARD HAS THE RIGHT TO MODIFY THE AGENDA AT THE REGULAR MEETING WHEN CONVENED. MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. A COPY OF THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT IS LOCATED ON THE NORTH WALL. A COPY OF THE MEETING NOTICE WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, POST OFFICE, FIRST NEBRASKA BANK, AND DECATUR EXPRESS. There were no guests. 1) REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY CHAIRMAN SIECKE Roll Call: Hightree-absent, Klatt-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. Quorum Present-yes 2) EXCUSE BOARD MEMBERS NOT ATTENDING THE MEETING: Hightree was excused due to medical reasons. Roll Call: Klatt-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 3) AGENDA AND MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH'S MEETING RECEIVED: Roll Call: Hightree-absent, Klatt-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 4) APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION AND SUSPENDED READING OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH MINUTES. There were no corrections. Roll Call: Hightree-absent, Klatt-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 5) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND OR COMMITTEES: 1)Police: Monthly Report No Report The Village is trying to find a police officer. 2)Lights: Monthly Report A. 2 meters pulled. Mark has asked the maintenance crew check an electric line on West 12 th street. Warren stated that there are some lights at the ball park that need to be checked. 85 cutouts were delivered to the Village. We were not supposed to receive them until September, and Larry McCullock (maintenance supervisor) only ordered 42. Warren stated that we should keep the 85, but we do not need 150 cutouts. 3) Water & Sewer: Monthly Report- Still unable to determine water loss. A. The Weir has been ordered for the sewer plant. 4) Parks: Income for April. $15,463.59. A. The Board agreed that the speed bumps need to be put in at the camp ground. B. On the upper part of the camp ground, everyone keeps cutting the corner and making deep pot holes that fill up water. There is also a tree that needs to be trimmed. 5) Streets: Monthly Report: A. June 2022 Highway Allocation $6,580.05. B. Rock has been ordered for West 8 th Street. Warren stated that there is some breakup on the marina road under the bridge. They discussed some option to fix it. 6) Sears Center: Bid for New Camera System at the Sears Center. The Board discussed the two bids from Black Diamond Electronics. The first bid is to replace the four cameras inside the building and add 4 to the outside of the building in the amount of $4,702.00. With this camera system video can be viewed, if necessary, from the Village office. The second bid is to add 4 new cameras outside and use the 4 existing inside in the amount of $3,638.96. The Board discussed both options and decided for the extra $1,063.04 to replace the whole system. Klatt made a motion to accept the bid from Black Diamond Electronics in the amount of $4,702.00 for new camera system at the Sears Center. Troutman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Warren-yes, Siecke-yes, Klatt-yes, Troutman-yes. 6) OLD BUSINESS 1. Tuck Point Bids for City Hall. The Board received 2 bids for tuck pointing to City Hall. Nedi Masonry Repair out of Waterloo Iowa in the amount of $110,000.00. McGill Restoration out of Omaha, NE in the amount of $66,029.00. The Board discussed the bids and decided that Nedi Masonry Repair bid is what the building really needs. The bids are at the Village office if anyone would like to look at them. Klatt made a motion to accept Nedi Masonry Bid in the amount of $110,000.00. Warren seconded the motion. Roll Call: Troutman-yes, Siecke-yes, Klatt-yes, Warren-yes. 7) NEW BUSINESS: 1. Complaints about cats using flower pots on Broadway for Litter Box. There have been complaints about the cats on Broadway using peoples flower pots as litter boxes. There were no answers as to what to do to take care of this problem. 2. Bid for repairing Basket Truck. The basket truck was due for an inspection. The inspection was done and there are repairs that need done. The price for those repairs is $6,861.35. Troutman made a motion to accept the bid from Hydraulic Equipment Service in the amount of $6,861.35. Klatt seconded the motion. Roll Call: Warren-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Klatt-yes. 8) CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Next Regular Board Meeting July 14th, 2022 at 4:30 PM. 2. The Village received a grant in the amount of $100,000.00 from the Donald E Nielsen Foundation to fix the flat roof and tuck pointing of the City Hall. The Board was very thankful to the Donald E Nielson Foundation for the grant to repair the roof and tuck point the City Hall. 3. Cleanup Day was a Success. 4. Riverfront Day’s June 17-19, 2022. 5. Are there any questions or comments from the audience? There were none. 9) APPROPRIATIONS AND CONSIDERATION OF THE CLAIMS: 1) Claims preapproved by Klatt and 2) Troutman made a Motion to Approve the Claims as submitted. Warren seconded the motion. Roll Call: Klatt-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 10) MOTION TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING: Motion to adjourn the meeting: Troutman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Klatt seconded the motion. Adjournment Time 5:38 PM Mark Siecke Chairman Therese M Magill Village Clerk CLAIMS REPORT- May 2022 BlueCross BlueShield-$2,715.98, Bomgaars-$91.39, Border States-$3,491.50, Burt County Public Power-$29,180.73, Boden Construction-$400.00, Burt County Register of Deeds-$10.00, Burt County Sheriff-$180.00, Carrier Container-$1,650.00, Carrot-Top Industries-$433.14, D&M Repair $207.69, Decatur Express-$1,077.35, Eakes Office Solutions-$436.17, First Nebraska Bank-$2,157.25, Floor Maintenance-$262.83, Hydraulic Equipment Co.-$1,230.00, Johnson & Mock-$195.00, KH Insurance- $164.00, King Disposal-$3,708.69, Lyons Mirror-Sun $184.61, MC2 Inc-$671.75, Midwest lab- $259.50, Nebraska Department of Revenue-$4,678.00, Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab- $37.00, NNTC-$489.13, Olson Plumbing-$1,012.48, One Call Concepts-$11.16, Postmaster-$102.00, Rasmussen Lumber-$196.09, Security Shredding-$105.00, Theisen Construction-$12,650.00, TSYS- $236.23, USAble Life-$25.50, Verizon Wireless-$178.91. Total Accounts Payable-$68,429.08 Payroll Checks/FICA/State Taxes-$12,236.10 Report Total-$80,665.18 ZNEZ LMS 6-16-22