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It’s no secret that the newspaper industry is facing challenging times these days. Most people will point the finger at the internet and social media as the source of the … more
State legislature should move forward with proposals limiting phones, social media for minors   Gov. Jim Pillen is putting his political weight behind legislation that he and … more
  As the dangerous cold settled into the area earlier this week, memories spent in the garage with my dad trying to keep vehicles running and water to the house flowing filled my … more
It is hard to imagine the amount of devastation that has taken place in California due to the wind-fueled fires in Los Angeles County.  Much has already been discussed about the lack of … more
Congratulations Riley.  You, son, are my new right-hand man. For years, our two eldest sons, Mikhail and then Owen, were my go-to helpers around the house.  Mikhail has been great at … more
Every year is getting shorter Never seem to find the time Plans that either come to naught Or half a page of scribbled lines Hanging on in quiet desperation Is the English way The time is gone, the … more
    Note: This column first appeard 14 years ago in the December 30 th , 2010 edition of the Oakland Independent.  It is just as true today as it was then. Our youngest … more
Letting loose of his security blanket during the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, Linus begins to share the meaning of Christmas with the other Charles Schultz created characters.  Quoting from … more
As we reflect on 2024, I am proud of the progress our communities in Burt County have made through targeted economic development efforts. Together, we have created opportunities that breathe new life … more
Nearly 30 years ago Mike Johnson and Scott Wachter began performing together.  The local duo brought spectacular harmonies to gospel music.  A short time later I met Scott through a youth … more
Agoraphobia is a serious anxiety creating condition that leaves the sufferer avoiding certain places or groups of individuals.  At its worst, agoraphobia can lead a person fearful to leave their … more
Were my eyes deceiving me?  Could what I was reading be real or was it fake news?  According to a news report, a recent survey found that 35% of those questioned said that they are … more
‘Tis the season of thanksgiving. For some, that thanksgiving comes easy as they examine their lives. Others might do the same and walk away from that reflection with disappointment. The … more
Shaking in my no name sneakers with one foot on a pedal and the other on the ground, I counted the cost of what I was about to do. Surrounded by friends and my older brother by my side I contemplated … more
Truth be known, I am writing this on Friday. For all I know, the world ended before the election occurred. Would that be so bad? Unless the outcome is in doubt, the world has ended for a good at … more
Attempting to write about the election, I found myself filled with disappointment in the lack of truthful substance being shared by the media and political advertising. So that is all I have to say … more
Please vote for Bill McAllister, the best candidate, to represent District 3 State Board of Education. The State Board develops policy, rules and regulations around the educational laws passed by the … more
Realizing this is likely still a sore subject after the embarrassing loss to Indiana, one can simply remind themselves that we are still improving under Coach Rhule. Of course, one’s patience … more
I can honestly say that this is the most difficult In My Humble Opinion I have ever had to write.  It has always been in the back of my mind that this day would come. I guess I just did not … more
Hanging for what seemed forever on my parents’ refrigerator was a newspaper clipping from 1987 of a dapper looking young man whose Voice of Democracy Speech had just won first place in … more
Driving the students to school on Monday morning I was reminded of last week’s column.  Several people commented on last week’s opinion.  The feedback is always appreciated. … more
According to MedicalNewsToday.com, Sun gazing is a meditative practice that involves staring directly at the rising or setting sun to help focus attention and clear the mind. Proponents of … more
As the story goes, the marble slab used to sculpt one of Michelangelo’s statues of David sat unused for 35 years as several different artists deemed it unusable for sculpting.  Standing … more
Just over a decade ago, the three-piece combo progressive rock band Rush was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  If you don’t know who Rush is, don’t worry about it.  … more
This letter has been sent to the Burt County Zoning Board and the Burt County Commissioners.  I own PID #425300300 in the Craig Township. I also own land in Otoe County Nebraska, so I have … more
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