The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, May 9, 2022 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Bland, Secondary Principal …


The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, May 9, 2022 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Bland, Secondary Principal Burton and Elementary Principal Lutz. Vice President Pelan-Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and noted the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was properly posted and/or published by advance Public Notice in accordance with Board Policy #2008 with notice and advance agenda given to the President of the Board and all members prior to the meeting date. Public Notice of this meeting was published in the May 5, 2022 edition of the Oakland Independent. EXCUSED ABSENCES Unwin moved that Aaron Anderson, Brett Johnson and Dane Johnson are absent, excused. Magnusson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-6; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. ROLL CALL Roll Call was called with the following members present: Gramke, Groth, Diane Pelan-Johnson, Kiley Johnson, Magnusson and Unwin. REGULAR AGENDA Vice President Pelan-Johnson welcomed 4 visitors. No one addressed the board. Dane Johnson arrived at 8:02 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA Kiley Johnson moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Groth seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. Items included in the consent agenda included the approval of May 9, 2022 meeting agenda; approval of claims from the General Fund in the amount of $48,174.34, Lunch Fund in the amount of $11,745.73 and Bond Fund in the amount of $14,696.25; and the approval of minutes from the April 11, 2022 regular school board meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT Mrs. Bland reviewed the information on the treasurer’s report. SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER REPORT Officer Brian Dunn reported on the truancy prevention program that the school is piloting. He is currently meeting with 10 students weekly and seeing positive results. Dunn also reported that he is working on updating the school building maps and the Emergency Operations Planning document. STRATEGIC PLANNING PRESENTATION Marcia Herring and Kari Stephens from NASB reviewed the survey data and a draft of a strategic plan. The administrative team will be meeting soon to review the draft, prioritize, and finalize. APPROVAL OF POLICIES UPDATES Superintendent Bland reviewed the possible policy changes. Magnusson moved to approve the policy updates as presented. The policy updates approved were: Policy 3051 – Opioid Overdose Prevention and Response; Policy 3053 - Nondiscrimination; Policy 3054 – Law Enforcement Unit; Policy 3055 – School Resource Officers; and Policy 3056 – Guest Speakers. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Elementary Principal Lutz reported that NSCAS testing has been completed. Data will be shared at a future board meeting. Summer school will be June 6th – June 17th from 8:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mrs. MacKenzie Charling reported that next year's 4th grade class will be split into two sections for next year. Next year's 6th grade class will be combined but have a schedule that will allow them to be split for core subjects and specials. Current PK-6th grade enrollment is 217 students, which is down 1 from last month and up 3 students from last year. Secondary Principal Burton reported current enrollment for the 7th through 12th grades at 189 students which is the same as last month and down 17 from last year. The senior community service day was May 4th. Several projects were completed for the City of Oakland and the Village of Craig. The 2023 Close Up trip will be March 19th – 24th. The music trip to San Antonio will take place next spring after State Golf. A formal date will be announced later. A list of upcoming school activities and summer professional development opportunities was provided. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT Superintendent Bland reported there will be several concrete projects completed over the summer, including the JH entrance steps. There are a few areas in the high school that have water damage. We are hoping to get the problem fixed and repair the walls if ALICAP covers the costs. At this time, they did not believe there was any hazardous growth in any of the areas of concern. Bland reported the issue at the County Assessor's office caused a decrease in tax receipts of $11,259. Mrs. Bland reported that Ms. Haylee Kaufman has been hired to serve as an elementary paraprofessional. Ms. Sheila Hofer, a current elementary paraprofessional, will be moving into the library/office assistant position in the high school. As a result, we will be opening an elementary paraprofessional position for the 2022-2023 school year. Trish Egan, a member of our kitchen staff, will be moving to Blair this summer. As a result, we will be looking for someone to fill her role beginning in the fall. Mrs. Bland ended her report by reporting her available vacation and sick leave. SPRINKLER BID FOR FOOTBALL FIELD Superintendent Bland explained that we are having issues with grubs and the grass is not growing very well on the sidelines because the current sprinkler system does not water those areas. After much discussion, Magnusson moved to approve the installation of additional sprinklers from Northeast Instant Rain at a cost not to exceed $6,000.00. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. SCOREBOARD FOR FOOTBALL FIELD Superintendent Bland reviewed the options for a new scoreboard at the football field. After much discussion, Magnusson moved to approve the purchase of a scoreboard from American Lift & Sign Service at a cost not to exceed $47,000.00. Gramke seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. PRESCHOOL PARTNERSHIP WITH HEAD START Superintendent Bland explained several reasons why the District would like to end the partnership with Head Start. After much discussion, Groth moved to discontinue the partnership with Head Start and begin a new early childhood partnership with ESU2 for the 2022-2023 school year. Dane Johnson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Kiley Johnson gave a brief report from the Oakland-Craig Schools Foundation. She is the School Board representative of the Foundation. This year the Foundation has given $2,000 in scholarships and $3,200 in Mini-Grants. Future projects include a Hall of Fame and outdoor classrooms. Groth thanked Mr. Rexroad and the shop class for all their help with the Viking Boat the Swedish Heritage Center was gifted. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS No committees have met. There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, Vice President Pelan-Johnson adjourned this meeting at 10:32 p.m. Secretary, Julie Ehlers GENERAL FUND AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC., $740.31 BURTON, MICHELLE, $30.52 CHEM TECH PEST SOLUTIONS, $172.45 CITY OF OAKLAND, $480.15 CITY OF OAKLAND, $800.00 CLASSIC CLEAN CAR WASH, $20.00 DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE INC, $282.18 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, $127.57 EMBASSY SUITES - LINCOLN, $264.00 FIRST BANKCARD, $1,305.77 FOOD PRIDE, $68.00 FREDRICKSON, EDWARD, $56.68 HOME DEPOT PRO, THE, $2,825.43 HOMETOWN LEASING, $1,369.51 JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY, $154.35 KSB SCHOOL LAW, $65.00 L.A.M.B. CLEANING SERVICE, $2,400.00 LEARN2MOVE, LLC, $727.56 LINDSTROM TRASH SERVICE, $60.00 LOGAN VALLEY CONTRACTING, $858.00 LYONS-DECATUR NORTHEAST, $1,066.50 MELICHAR 66 SALES & SERVICE, $1,044.94 MEYER, ANGIE, $16.35 NCSA, $180.00 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER, $4,235.84 NEBRASKA/CENTRAL EQUIPMENT, INC., $51.82 OAKLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, $25.00 OAKLAND INDEPENDENT, $210.95 P&H ELECTRIC, $398.00 REVOLVING ACCOUNT, $1,282.36 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC, $54.54 SCOTT'S HARDWARE, $26.26 SIMPLE BLOSSOMS, $40.00 ST FRANCIS MEMORIAL HOSP, $135.00 SAC MUSEUM, $312.00 SYMMETRY ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC, $4,627.77 U. S. BANK, $85.00 UNL EXTENSION, $107.96 US OMNI & TSACG COMPLIANCE SERVICES, $10.45 WARDS NATURAL SCIENCE, $47.57 WELLS FARGO VENDOR FIN SERV, $20,559.84 WESTPOINT AUTO & TRUCK CENTER, $820.76 MAGIC-WRIGHTER, INC., $27.95 $48,174.34 LUNCH FUND APPEARA, $159.51 CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING, $2,087.42 FOOD PRIDE, $19.45 HILAND DAIRY, $2,303.83 RUDA SEPTIC, LLC, $275.00 SCOTT'S HARDWARE, $25.39 SYSCO LINCOLN, $6,875.13 BOND FUND BOK FINANCIAL, $14,696.25 $14,696.25, ZNEZ OI 5-26-22