The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, July 11, 2022 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland, Secondary …


The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, July 11, 2022 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland, Secondary Principal Michelle Burton and Elementary Principal MacKenzie Charling. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and noted the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was properly posted and/or published by advance Public Notice in accordance with Board Policy #2008 with notice and advance agenda given to the President of the Board and all members prior to the meeting date. Brett Johnson moved that Tim Magnusson and Kiley Johnson are absent, excused. Groth seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. ROLL CALL Roll Call was called with the following members present: Dan Gramke, Marilee Groth, Brett Johnson, Dane Johnson, Diane Pelan-Johnson, Henry Unwin and Aaron Anderson. REGULAR AGENDA President Anderson welcomed 1 visitor. No one addressed the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Brett Johnson moved that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Unwin seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. Items included in the consent agenda included the approval of July 11, 2022 meeting agenda; approval of claims from the General Fund in the amount of $67,013.32, the Lunch Fund in the amount of $262.01 and the Building Fund in the amount of $1,302.12; and the approval of minutes from the June 13, 2022 regular school board meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT Mrs. Bland reviewed the information on the treasurer’s report. APPROVAL OF POLICY UPDATES Diane Pelan-Johnson moved that Policy 4030 – “Evaluation of Certified Employees”, Policy 4031 – “Evaluation of Probationary Certified Employees”, Policy 5018 – “Parental Involvement”, Policy 5035 – “Student Discipline”, Policy 5045 – “Student Fees (Public Hearing)”, Policy 5052 – “Wellness” and Policy 5057 – “Title I Parental Involvement” be approved as presented. Unwin seconded the motion. Mrs. Bland explained the changes made to the policies. There was no further discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF STAFF, AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM, AND STUDENT HANDBOOKS Diane Pelan-Johnson moved to approve the Staff, Afterschool Program, and Student Handbooks for the 2022-2023 school year as presented. Brett Johnson seconded the motion. Mrs. Bland, Mrs. Charling and Mrs. Burton gave brief summaries of changes to each of the handbooks. Mrs. Bland also explained that the Staff Handbooks and the Classified handbooks have been combined. There was much discussion regarding the Secondary Good Attendance Program 2nd Semester. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. FOOD SERVICE PRICES FOR THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Brett Johnson moved that the school food service prices for the 2022-2023 school year be set as follows: $2.80 for elementary student lunch; $3.00 for 7th – 12th grade student lunch; $1.60 for elementary student breakfast; $1.60 for 7th – 12th grade student breakfast; $0.30 for reduced price breakfast; $0.40 for reduced price lunch; $2.35 for adult breakfast; and $3.85 for adult lunch. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER RATES Mrs. Bland reviewed the conference substitute teacher rates and made a recommendation to raise our daily rate. Brett Johnson moved to approve the substitute teacher rate of $130 per day for the 2022-2023 school year. Groth seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. PURCHASE OF ROCK Superintendent Bland explained that more rock than what was included in the original bid for the parking is needed. Brett Johnson moved to approve the purchase of additional rock for the new parking lot located on the old football practice field in an amount not to exceed $7,000.00. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. PURCHASE OF WATER HEATER Mrs. Bland explained that one of the water heaters in the elementary has sprung a leak and is no longer usable. After much discussion, it was decided to table the purchase until after school starts to see how the remaining water heater handles the load. SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION FORM Brett Johnson moved to approve the use of the KSB School Law Superintendent Evaluation Tool beginning in the 2022-2023 school year. Unwin seconded the motion. Mrs. Bland explained the KSB is piloting this program and if we sign up this year, we will lock in a reduced cost. There was some additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. P2T LEVY FOR 2022-23 SCHOOL YEAR Unwin reported that the P2T levy for the upcoming year will be less than $0.005. Pender has decided to rejoin P2T. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS There were no Board member reports. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS No committees have met. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Mrs. MacKenzie Charling will officially begin her responsibilities as elementary principal on August 1, 2023. A special shout out goes to Alana Pearson and the summer school staff. Approximately 65 students enjoyed 10 days of hands-on learning experience as well as a field trip to the Henry Doorly Zoo. Estimated 2022-2023 PK-6th grade enrollment is 215 students. Principal Burton reported that all incoming 7th graders and any 8th-12th grader that will be participating in athletics will need to have a physical. A special shout out goes to Coleen Denton for her years of service at Oakland-Craig. Amanda Wilson has been hired as the new high school secretary and will begin August 25th. Anticipated 7-12 enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is 198. Mrs. Burton provided a list of upcoming trainings and events. Superintendent Bland updated the status on many of the projects that are being worked on this summer. Mrs. Bland reported the scoreboard for the football field will not be shipped until September and will arrive sometime in December. Mrs. Bland reported that Brittany Workman has been hired as an elementary special education paraprofessional. Mrs. Bland provided a list of board development opportunities. Mrs. Bland ended her report by reporting her available vacation and sick leave. BOARD PLANNING SESSION Superintendent Bland reported on the budget work that she has completed. After some discussion, it was decided to have our budget planning meeting on Monday, August 29th at 8:00 p.m. In addition, Superintendent Bland presented the strategic plan goals for the board. There was some discussion that will continue into future planning sessions. There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Anderson adjourned this meeting at 9:25 p.m. Secretary, Julie Ehlers GENERAL FUND A UNITED AUTOMATAIC DOORS & GLASS, INC, $807.76 ACTIVITY BASED SUPPLIES, $75.20 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC., $8,224.75 AMERICAN BROADBAND, $544.20 APPLE INC, $597.00 B & B TECHNOLOGIES, INC, $98.97 BLAND, JESSICA, $174.40 BLICK ART MATERIALS, $99.64 BOMGAARS, $29.48 CHEM TECH PEST SOLUTIONS, $150.00 CITY OF OAKLAND, $821.05 COMPANION CORP, $1,732.00 CROWNE PLAZA KEARNEY, $344.85 CUMING COUNTY CLERK, $100.00 DAKOTA POTTERS SUPPLY, $354.50 DEMCO, $267.77 DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE INC, $39.00 DOLLAR GENERAL-REGIONS 410526, $25.41 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, $1,231.39 ESU 2, $930.00 FILTER SHOP, INC., THE, $554.13 FIRST BANKCARD, $647.77 FISHER SCIENTIFIC, $0.00 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC, $361.42 FOOD PRIDE, $123.26 GAHAN, GREGG, $196.20 GOPHER SPORTS, $242.99 GREAT LAKES SPORTS, $194.74 HEGGERTY, $192.24 HELENA CHEMICAL CO, $21.38 HOLIDAY INN-KEARNEY, $119.95 HOME DEPOT PRO, THE, $90.62 HOMETOWN LEASING, $1,369.51 JENNINGS HEATING, AIR & PLUMBING, $3,322.64 JOURNEYED.COM, INC, $1,378.00 KSB SCHOOL LAW, $300.00 LAKESHORE, $7,575.71 LEARN2MOVE, LLC, $603.37 LINDSTROM TRASH SERVICE, $40.00 MENARDS, $189.99 MIDWEST TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND SERVICE, $1,168.12 NASCO, $418.08 NEBRASKA COUNCIL ON ECONOMIC EDUCATION, $30.00 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER, $4,757.30 NEBRASKA SAFETY CENTER, $250.00 NORTHEAST INSTANT RAIN, $169.96 NRCSA, $850.00 OAKLAND INDEPENDENT, $281.69 OAKLAND LUMBER LLC, $145.52 POPULAR SUBSCRIPTION, $417.66 QUILL, $24.89 RALSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, $2,341.30 RAMSEY SOLUTIONS, $699.80 REALLY GOOD STUFF, LLC, $126.71 RENAISSANCE LEARNING INC, $5,770.00 REVOLVING ACCOUNT, $341.40 ROCKLER WOODWORKING AND HARDWARE, $139.96 S & S LAWN CARE INC, $1,340.00 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES, $335.41 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC, $57.51 SCOTT'S HARDWARE, $328.78 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, $561.56 SIMPLE BLOSSOMS, $40.00 SPORTSMAN LAKE LLC, $7,500.00 STUDENT ASSURANCE SERVICES INC, $691.25 SUNBURST DIGITAL, INC, $402.50 SYMMETRY ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC, $1,561.84 TEACHER CREATED RESOURCES, $127.42 TEACHING STRATEGIES, $492.00 TOWER GARDEN BY JUICE PLUS, $325.00 U. S. BANK, $273.75 US OMNI & TSACG COMPLIANCE SERVICES, $10.45 VERNIER SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY, $239.35 WARDS NATURAL SCIENCE, $572.41 FISHER SCIENTIFIC, $22.46 MAGIC-WRIGHTER, INC., $27.95 $67,013.32, LUNCH FUND, FOOD PRIDE, $19.29 HILAND DAIRY, $158.07 LIERMAN, AYDEN, $24.45 RHODES, DAWSON, $11.75 SMITH, MARK, $24.25 SWENSON, MELANIE, $24.20 $262.01 BUILDING FUND, MCKINNIS ROOFING & SHEET METAL, $1,302.02 $1,302.02 ZNEZ OI 7-28-22