The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, January 9, 2023 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Bland, Secondary …


The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, January 9, 2023 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Bland, Secondary Principal Burton and Elementary Principal Charling. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and noted the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was properly posted and/or published by advance Public Notice in accordance with Board Policy #2008 with notice and advance agenda given to the President of the Board and all members prior to the meeting date. ROLL CALL Roll Call was called with the following members present: Marilee Groth, Brett Johnson, Dane Johnson, Diane Pelan-Johnson, Kiley Johnson, Tim Magnusson, Gus Ray, Henry Unwin and Aaron Anderson. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT At this time, the board was asked to make nominations for President. Magnusson nominated Aaron Anderson. Ray seconded the nomination. Nominations for Vice-President were made. Magnusson nominated Kiley Johnson. Unwin seconded the nomination. Brett Johnson made a motion that nominations cease and to elect Aaron Anderson as the President and Kiley Johnson as the Vice President of the Board of Education for 2023. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY/TREASURER Brett Johnson moved to appoint Julie Ehlers as Secretary/Treasurer for 2023. Groth seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. REGULAR AGENDA President Anderson welcomed 2 visitors. No one addressed the board. CONSENT AGENDA Ray moved that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Unwin seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. Items included in the consent agenda were the approval of January 9, 2023 meeting agenda; approval of claims from the General Fund in the amount of $169,467.89 and Lunch Fund in the amount of $7,222.50 and the approval of minutes from the December 12, 2022 regular school board meeting and the December 14, 2022 special board meeting. SELECTION OF BANK DEPOSITORY FOR DISTRICT FUNDS Groth moved that the First Northeast Bank of Nebraska be designated as the depository for all School District #14 checking and savings accounts for 2023. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried.   BOARD RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY WHEREAS, the Board of Education (the “Board”) for Burt County School District No.11-0014, commonly known as Oakland-Craig Public Schools (the “School District”) is a duly accredited Class III school district under the laws and statutes of the State of Nebraska; and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to designate one or more banks, capital stock financial institutions, or qualifying mutual financial institutions, situated within the boundaries of the School District as the official depository or depositories for School District funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby designates the following banks, capital stock financial institutions, or qualifying mutual financial institutions as the official depositories for School District Funds: First Northeast Bank of Nebraska SET THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING DATES AND TIME (ITEM D) Regular meetings of the Oakland-Craig Board of Education will be held on the second Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m. Adjustments may need to be made from time to time due to holidays. BOARD AUTHORIZATION FOR SUPERINTENDENT ACTIONS (ITEM E) The Board of Education authorizes and grants the Superintendent or her designee authority to represent the District in all matters relating to local, state, and federal programs and funds, such as, but not limited to Title Programs, ESU#2 Co-op purchasing of supplies, etc. APPROVAL OF PARTICIPATION IN THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND (USF) FEDERAL FUNDING PROGRAM FOR TECHNOLOGY (ITEM F) DESIGNATE THE DISTRICT’S LEGAL COUNSEL (ITEM G) Designate the attorneys of KSB School Law as the district legal counsel. The District reserves the right to use the legal services of Legal Counsel for the Nebraska Association of School Boards, as may be needed. DESIGNATE THE DISTRICT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR PUBLICATIONS (ITEM H) Notices which the board is required to publish in a newspaper will generally be published in the Oakland Independent, the Omaha World Herald or any other newspaper which has a general circulation within the district. DESIGNATE THE NON-DISCRIMINATION COMPLIANCE AND TITLE IX COORDINATORS (ITEM I) Designate the Superintendent as the Non-discrimination Compliance Coordinator to meet Federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements and the Title IX Coordinator for Title IX enforcement. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS D-I Brett Johnson moved that agenda items D-I be approved as presented. Ray seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT Mrs. Bland reviewed the information in the treasurer’s report. POLICY UPDATES Unwin moved to approve the policies as presented. The policy updates approved were: 4057 - Superintendent Evaluation; 4058 - Confidentiality in Counseling and Guidance; 4059 - Suicide Prevention Training; 4060 - School Vehicle Use; 4061 - Workplace or Non-Workplace Injuries or Illness and Return to Work; 5002 - Admission of Students; 5003 - Admission of Part-Time Students; 5004 - Option Enrollment and 5005 - Transportation of Option Students. Magnusson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF QUIZ BOWL TRAVEL REQUEST Diane Pelan-Johnson moved to approve the out of state travel request for the Quiz Bowl trip to Rosemont, IL for the national Quiz Bowl Tournament April 28, 2023 – April 30, 2023. Brett Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2023-2028 Groth moved to approve the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan as proposed. Unwin seconded the motion. Mrs. Bland has prepared a video that she will post on the Oakland-Craig website that gives details of the Strategic Plan. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. PROPOSED 2023-2024 CALENDAR Brett Johnson moved to approve the 2023-2024 school calendar as proposed but changing the March 8th day off to March 1st. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. CERTIFIED STAFF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT FOR 2023-2024 Brett Johnson moved to approve the proposed teacher negotiated agreement for 2023-2024. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-8; Against Motion-0; Unwin abstained. Motion carried. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS There were no board member reports. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS FOR 2023 President Anderson asked for members’ input on what committees they would prefer to serve. Since changes to committee assignments had been made a few months ago when Gus Ray joined the Board, it was decided to not make any further changes. They are as follows: Building/Grounds/Transportation – Tim Magnusson (Chair), Brett Johnson, Gus Ray, Marilee Groth; Committee on American Civics/Education/Policies – Henry Unwin (Chair), Dane Johnson. Kiley Johnson, Tim Magnusson; Finance/Negotiations – Brett Johnson (Chair), Kiley Johnson, Diane Pelan-Johnson, Dane Johnson; Auditing – Aaron Anderson (Chair), Marilee Groth, Henry Unwin, Gus Ray. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Elementary Principal Charling reported that the math selection team has narrowed down the options to 3 and are awaiting bids to present to the board in February. Kindergarten Round-Up will be held on February 3rd. This month’s staff shout out goes to all the paraprofessionals for their flexibility and willingness to adjust their schedules constantly. A list of upcoming activities was provided. Current PK-6th grade enrollment is 217 students, which is the same as last month and down 5 from last year. Secondary Principal Burton reported current enrollment for the 7th through 12th grades at 193 students which is the same as last month but up 4 from last year. This month’s staff shout out goes to the special education department for their continued growth and development in the area of co-teaching. Mrs. Burton reported that our Quiz Bowl team has qualified for the National Quiz Bowl competition. The music trip is still on and 27 students will be traveling to Chicago in May. Mrs. Burton provided a listing of upcoming school activities. Superintendent Bland reported that there is an issue with the seal on the elementary gym roof. McKinnis Roofing will be doing a temporary fix for us but it will most likely need to be replaced this summer. A special thanks was given to Mr. Brand for his efforts in securing an Emergency Connectivity Grant for $66,487 to cover 56 new iPads in the elementary and 125 Chromebooks. Mrs. Bland ended her report by reporting her remaining vacation and sick days. Brett Johnson moved to enter into executive session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss administrative contracts. Closed session is necessary for the protection of public interest and permissible under law. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. Brett Johnson moved to resume regular session at 9:14 p.m. Magnusson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. PRINCIPAL CONTRACT Brett Johnson moved to offer the 2023-2024 Secondary Principal Contract with the proposed compensation package of a 3.1% increase over the 2022-2023 contract and the 2023-2024 Elementary Principal Contract with the proposed compensation package of a 4.0% increase over the 2022-2023 contract. Dane Johnson seconded the motion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT Unwin moved to accept the proposed offer for the 2023-2024 Superintendent compensation package which is a 3.1% increase over 2022-2023 and a contract for 2023-2025 school years. Ray seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Anderson adjourned this meeting at 9:16 p.m. Secretary, Julie Ehlers GENERAL FUND AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC., $221.34 BURT COUNTY CLERK, $194.11 CHARLING, MACKENZIE, $128.86 CHEM TECH PEST SOLUTIONS, $150.00 CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC, $1,395.91 CITY OF OAKLAND, $686.78 CLASSIC CLEAN CAR WASH, $12.00 CUMING COUNTY CLERK, $100.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, $1,760.36 ESU 2, $134,249.81 FIREGUARD, INC, $1,534.88 FIRST BANKCARD, $1,173.49 FOOD PRIDE, $204.94 GROENE, GERALD, $66.50 HIRERIGHT, LLC, $68.80 HOME DEPOT PRO, THE, $303.64 HOMETOWN LEASING, $1,369.51 HUGHES, CHRISTOPHER, $595.00 JAYMAR BUSINESS FORMS INC, $196.32 JENNINGS HEATING, AIR & PLUMBING, $1,161.32 L.A.M.B. CLEANING SERVICES, $3,200.00 LEARN2MOVE, LLC, $910.25 MIDWEST BUS PARTS, INC., $72.15 NCSA, $200.00 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER, $4,408.01 NORTHEAST INSTANT RAIN, $150.00 OAKLAND EXPRESS, $170.00 OAKLAND INDEPENDENT, $167.29 PROTEX CENTRAL, $616.00 REVOLVING ACCOUNT, $193.75 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC, $85.02 SCOTT'S HARDWARE, $1,087.31 SECOND STREET STATION, $280.68 SELK, MICHAEL, $138.06 SIOUX CITY MERCY MEDICAL CLINIC, $100.00 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION, $247.67 TSA TEAMS, $150.00 U. S. BANK, $11.97 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA MEDICAL CENTER, $500.00 US OMNI & TSACG COMPLIANCE SERVICES, $10.45 WOODRIVER ENERGY LLC, $3,660.76 SPORTSMAN'S LAKE LLC, $7,500.00 MAGIC-WRIGHTER, INC., $34.95 $169,467.89 LUNCH FUND AC & R SPECIALISTS, $534.70 APPEARA, $152.15 CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING, $1,506.42 HILAND DAIRY, $1,696.19 RUDA SEPTIC, LLC, $275.00 SCOTT'S HARDWARE, $3.96 SYSCO LINCOLN, $3,054.08 $7,222.50 ZNEZ OI 01-26-23