The Board of Education of the Lyons-Decatur School District No. 20 met in regular session on Monday, October 9, 2023. Present were Archer, Bacon, Brehmer, Christiansen, Miller, Myers, Petersen, …


The Board of Education of the Lyons-Decatur School District No. 20 met in regular session on Monday, October 9, 2023. Present were Archer, Bacon, Brehmer, Christiansen, Miller, Myers, Petersen, Troutman, and Vlach. Lisa Christiansen opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Superintendent Report: The P2T board approved the budget and tax request for 2023-24 with a $.0098 levy. 5 board members attended the NASB conference in Fremont: Mr. Vlach was honored for his level IX award, Corey for his level IV award, and Jaime for her level III award. Mrs. Wakeley applied for and received a $2500 grant for Cougar Culture. We met with the representatives from JAG Nebraska/United Way of the Midlands about starting a program at LDNE next school year. There will be four staff members traveling to Washington DC in November as part of the Cultural Connections II grant. Principal Report: The professional development over the last month included information in the areas of prevent-teach-reinforce, a data retreat, after school programming, autism, HAL, proficiency scales/assessments, and MTSS. The Cougar Branch of First Northeast Bank of Nebraska is open for the year. Fall MAP, Fastbridge and NSCAS tests have been administered. KSB was here to present to students on September 27th about digital citizenship. The new morning walking club is off to a great start with lots of participants and weekly guests. The fall sports seasons are coming to a close with their last games, districts, and state events. Please follow the school website and social media sites for more information about what is happening at LDNE. The Building and Grounds Committee met for our bi-weekly meetings with Clark & Enersen and Boyd Jones on September 14th and 28th. The following motions were made: 1. To approve the consent agenda. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 13th at 7:30 p.m. Lisa Christiansen closed the meeting at 8:36 p.m. Lyons-Decatur Northeast School District GENERAL FUND ,ADVANCED NEBRASKA,757.97,AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES,443.80,APPEARA,284.08,ASI,375.00,"BEAUDETTE, LINDSEY ",365.49,BREATHE FOR CHANGE,"5,050.00","BROKAW, MELISSA ",100.00,CITY OF LYONS,"6,515.43",CLEARFLY,130.27,CREATIVE XPRESSIONS,261.00,"DOHT, ELIZABETH ",325.15,EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,38.99,EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #2,210.00,ESU COORDINATING COUNCIL,"6,725.00",ESU#10,550.00,FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA,34.08,FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA,639.10,FLEET US LLC,27.39,FRANCISCAN HEALTHCARE,"1,813.13",GENERAL REIMBURSEMENT FUND,156.00,"HOME DEPOT PRO, THE ","1,220.86",HOMETOWN LEASING,691.87,INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS,141.60,"J W PEPPER & SONS, INC",42.97,JENSEN PLUMBING & HEATING,"3,497.82",KEPCO LLC,16.44,"KNAAK, BRUCE ",353.75,KSB SCHOOL LAW,"4,176.00",LEARNING WITHOUT TEARS,273.90,LYONS MIRROR SUN,370.76,LYONS SAVEMORE MARKET,181.15,MACKIN,37.46,"MATHESON TRI-GAS, INC",426.85,MEL'S SMALL ENGINES,145.33,MOSYLE MANAGER,"3,074.96",MY CENTRAL SUPPLY,883.12,N A S B,"3,116.00",NATIONAL ART & SCHOOL SUPPLIES INC.,22.80,"NATIONAL, SCRIPP'S ",187.50,NEBRASKA SAFETY CENTER,230.00,OAKLAND-CRAIG SCHOOLS,"2,232.28",OMAHA HENRY DOORLY ZOO,150.00,OMNIFY BENEFITS,250.00,OPC DIRECT.,"1,132.65",PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL,57.73,"PRIORITY COMMUNICATIONS & SOLUTIONS, INC",213.75,PROQUEST,730.85,QUILL CORPORATION,814.81,SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLY INC,153.90,"SCHULER, KIPP ",220.50,STEINY'S GENERAL STORE,392.80,VERIZON WIRELESS,30.04,"WEILAND, RUTH ",96.46,WINNELSON,48.77,Fund Total:$"50,417.56" SPECIAL BUILDING FUND,BOYD JONES CONSTRUCTION CO.,"825,892.69","CERTIFIED TESTING SERVICES, INC.","4,062.50",CLARK & ENERSEN,"12,910.35",WHITE CASTLE ROOFING,"52,145.59",Fund Total:$895,011.13 SCHOOL LUNCH FUND, AC&R SPECIALISTS,577.68,CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING,"4,832.35","DUNN, BRYAN ",29.30,HILAND DAIRY FOODS COMPANY LLC,"3,472.99",LYONS SAVEMORE MARKET,"1,248.76",NEBRASKA FOOD DIST. CENTER,125.80,SYSCO FOOD SERVICES,"9,745.87",Fund Total:$20,032.75" ZNEZ LMS 10-19-23