LYONS CITY COUNCIL MEETING Proceedings November 14, 2023 A regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Lyons was called to order by Mayor Brink at 5:31 P.M., Nov 14, 2023, at Lyons City Hall. Present were Council members Vacha, Phillips, Steinmeyer and Carr. *AMPVF (All Members Present Voted For) *MC (Motion Carried) The meeting was called to order upon motion by Carr, seconded by Vacha. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Dispense with reading of minutes of meeting held October 10, 2023. 2. Claims as presented except claims of KB’s Mini Mart and Steiny’s General Store. 3. Resolution No. 2023-19: Creating an Advisory Board for the Park and Recreational facilities was adopted and signed. 4. Resolution No. 2023-20: Changing City Office Hours and City Employee Working Hours was adopted and signed. 5. Resolution No. 2023-21: End the Water Emergency with mandatory conservation measures on Class 1 water uses was adopted and signed. OCTOBER CLAIMS AMERICAN UNDERGROUND SUPP SUPPL $1,603.29 AMERITAS LIFE CORP RETIREMENT $1,461.80 APPEARA CLOTHING $332.12 AUTO VALUE SUPPL $741.24, BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD GROUP HEALTH INS $12,539.54 BOBCAT OF OMAHA SNOW PUSHER $6,600.00 BREHMER INDUSTRIES MTCE $107.20 BURT COUNTY PUBLIC POWER ELECTRIC $5,647.20 BURT COUNTY SHERIFF TELETYPE FEES $24.00 CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT BOOKS $188.76 CITY OF LYONS UTILITIES UTILITIES $6,005.09 COLONIAL RESEARCH CHEMICA SUPPL $251.56 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH SUPPL $452.81 CUMING COUNTY INDUSTRIES MTCE $473.98 DANIEL A SMITH LEGAL SERVICE $1,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ELECTRIC $4,143.38 EFTPS FED/FICA TAX $3,218.52 ENERGY WORLDNET, INC ANNUAL SERV/TRAINING $1,219.00 FASTWYRE BROADBAND SERV $645.70 FIRST NATIONAL BANK POOL BOND $127,793.75 GPM ENVIRONMENTAL MTCE $448.00 HSA - CITY EMPLOYEES HSA $700.00 ITRON 23-24 MTCE/SUPPORT $2,181.42 JOSH SVENDSEN MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $842.99 LINCOLN FINANCIAL LTD INSURANCE $543.70 LINCOLN WINWATER WORKS SUPPL $203.48 LORENSEN GRAIN & READY MI ROCK/GRAVEL $348.72 LYONS MIRROR-SUN LEGAL PRINTING $267.03 MAKENNA MCCULLOCK JANITOR SERV $581.00 MENARDS - SIOUX CITY SUPPL $69.96 MIDWEST ALARM SERVICES MTCE $74.16 MUTUAL OF OMAHA INSURANCE $160.75 NDEE-PUBLIC WATER OPERATR WATER LICENSE FEES $345.00 NEBRASKA DEPT OF REVENUE SALES/USE TAX $8,289.37 NEBRASKA LIBRARY COMM. OVERDRIVE FEE $500.00 NOVUS COMPUTERS SERV/365 EXCHANGE $644.75 NPPD COLUMBUS ELECTRIC PURCHASE $46,603.71 OLSSON ASSOCIATES STREET SUP SERV $250.00 ONE OFFICE SOLUTION SUPPL/CHAIRS $1,500.99 CITY EMPLOYEES PAYROLL CHECKS ON 10/20/2023 $13,453.70 PORT-A-JOHNS SERV SEPT $140.00 POWERPLAN MTCE $318.37 SAVEMORE MARKET SUPPL $7.27 UCI TESTING FEE $60.00 US BANK SUPPL/ACADEMY/TOOLBOX/MEAL $2,567.30 USABLUEBOOK MTCE $490.19 UTILITIES SECTION WORKSHOP $130.00 VERIZON WIRELESS SERV $523.38 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF NE GARBAGE FEE $8,173.30 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP SUPPL $1,976.29 November Claims SHANE TAYLOR STREET CLEANING $2,550.00 CNA AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES SERV $108.94NEBR DEPT OF REVENUE SALES AND USE TAX $8,433.31AMERITAS RETIREMENT PLAN $1,102.65CITY OF LYONS STATE SHED TRANSFER $119.28NPPD ELECTRIC PURCHASE $32,969.26Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Vacha to approve the consent agenda. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. REGULAR AGENDA / NEW BUSINESS Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Phillips to approve a three-year contribution of $2,000 annually for Cuming/Burt County Public Transit Service. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Carr to approve the Letter Agreement for Professional Services from Olsson on Street Superintendent for the calendar year 2024. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Carr to approve the 2024 Engineer Appointment Request from JEO. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Mayor Brink introduced ORDINANCE NO. 763 - TO ADD ARTICLE 13, FEES AND TAXES, TO CHAPTER 1 AND TO ESTABLISH THE AMOUNT OF CERTAIN FEES AND TAXES CHARGED BY THE CITY OF LYONS FOR VARIOUS SERVICES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: BUILDING PERMITS, ZONING FEES, OCCUPATION AND FRANCHISE TAX, ANNUAL FEES, AND LICENSES OF THE CITY OF LYONS. Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Phillips for the suspension of the statutory rule requiring reading on three separate days. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Ordinance NO. 763 was read by title, and Phillips moved for passage of the ordinance, seconded by Carr. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. ORDINANCE NO. 763 has been passed, approved, and available in pamphlet form. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Phillips to adopt Resolution No. 2023-22: Changing City Office Hours and City Employee Working Hours. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Vacha to adopt Resolution No. 2023-23: A resolution authorizing the signing of the Year-End Certification of City Street Superintendent 2023 by the Mayor. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Carr to approve building permit from Tim Menard at 305 N 3rd St for a privacy fence with setbacks 6” off the property line. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Carr to approve a $0.75 raise to Jesse Raabe for receiving his Wastewater License. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Steinmeyer to accept Matt Johnson’s bid of $6,000 for 510B Dresser sold as is. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Carr to accept Justin Morris’ bid of $2,011 for 1530A JD Tractor sold as is. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Carr to accept Clerk Anderson’s Treasurer Report. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. General, Utility, and Debt Service Income Statements for the month ending October 31st, 2023. The General Fund had a month-to-date net loss of $26,773.55. The Utility Fund had a month-to-date net gain of $26,773.55. Debt Service had a month-to-date net loss of $122,396.64. Budget reports for the first month of FY 23-24 (8.3%) on the General, Utility, and Debt Service Funds were as follows: General Receipts were 2.74%. General Expenses were 4.71%. Utility Receipts were 9.72%. Utility Expenses were 8.02%. Debt Service Receipts were 9.72% and Debt Service Expenses were 88.51%. Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Phillips to approve estimate from Novus Computers in the amount of $3,226.00 to update hardware and Wi-Fi for Community Center/City Hall. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Steinmeyer to approve payment of $1,653.19 to KB’s Mini Mart. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Vacha to approve payment of $680.27 to Steiny’s General Store. On roll call, AYE: Carr, Vacha, Phillips NAY: None. ABSTAIN: Steinmeyer. MC Motion by Vacha, seconded Car to go into executive session at 6:55 PM to discuss employee personnel annual review. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Carr to return to regular session at 6:58 PM. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Carr to approve a $1.00 raise for Joel Fredrickson. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Carr, seconded by Vacha to approve a $1.00 raise for Lacy Hollman. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Mayor Brink adjourned the meeting at 7:14 PM. Whitney Anderson, City Clerk A complete text of the minutes is on file in the office of the City Clerk, 335 Main Street, during regular business hours or online at ZNEZ LMS 11-30-23