LYONS CITY COUNCIL MEETING Proceedings February 13, 2024 A regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Lyons was called to order by Mayor Brink at 5:31 P.M., February 13, 2024, at Lyons City Hall. Present were Council members Vacha, Phillips, Steinmeyer. Carr had an excused absence. *AMPVF (All Members Present Voted For) *MC (Motion Carried) The meeting was called to order upon motion by Vacha, seconded by Phillips. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. PUBLIC HEARING Motion by Phillips, seconded by Vacha to enter into a Public Hearing. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Mayor Brink opened the Public Hearing at 5:31 PM for the purpose of hearing support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations concerning the adoption of the City of Lyons Economic Development Plan. There being no verbal or written comments or objections, a motion by Vacha, seconded by Phillips was made to adjourn the Public Hearing. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Mayor Brink Closed the Public Hearing at 5:32 PM. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Dispense with reading of minutes of meeting held January 9, 2024. 2. Claims as presented except claims of KB’s Mini Mart and Steiny’s General Store. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 764 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYONS, NEBRASKA, TO AMEND CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 9, SECTION 3-909 OF THE LYONS MUNICIPAL CODE, TO SET MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC RATES FOR THE CITY OF LYONS, COUNTY OF BURT STATE OF NEBRASKA; REPEALING ALL PREVIOUS ORDINANCES, AMENDMENTS, AND SECTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE was adopted, signed, and published in pamphlet form. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 765 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYONS, NEBRASKA, TO AMEND CHAPTER 1 ARTICLE 9, SECTION 1-903; RELATING TO MUNICIPAL AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS, AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM COMPENSATION RANGE SCHEDULE FOR EACH; REPEALING ALL PREVIOUS ORDINANCES, AMENDMENTS, AND SECTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE was adopted, signed, and published in pamphlet form. 5. Resolution 2024-01 – Submission Deadlines was adopted and signed. 6. Approve Mayor Brink and Clerk Anderson to sign the Release of Funds Documents. JANUARY CLAIMS AMERITAS LIFE CORP RETIREMENT PLAN $2,989.00 APPEARA CLOTHING $ 336.00 AUTO VALUE MTCE $ 701.65 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD GROUP HEALTH INS $7,120.87 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES SUPPL $ 271.77 BREHMER INDUSTRIES ELEC $ 47.78 BURT COUNTY PUBLIC POWER ELECTRIC $2,841.10 CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT BOOKS $ 189.36 CITY EMPLOYEES HSA $1,400.00 CITY EMPLOYEES PAYROLL CHECKS $27,455.42 CITY OF LYONS UTILITIES UTILITIES $8,148.15 CNA AUTO SERVICE MTCE $ 106.30 CORE & MAIN MTCE $ 722.24 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ELECTRIC $7,047.35 DEPOSIT REFUNDS UTILITY REFUND $455.23 EFTPS FED/FICA TAX $6,963.36 FASTWYRE BROADBAND SERV $ 925.10 FP MAILING SOLUTIONS POSTAGE $600.00 FP MAILING SOLUTIONS LEAS METER LEASE $ 251.85 INGERSOLL RAND COMPANY MTCE AIR COMPRESSOR $939.56 INTERSTATE POWER SYSTEMS MTCE $2,627.67 IOWA PUMP WORKS, INC. REPAIRS $7,140.53 JACK'S UNIFORMS EQUIP $95.80 JENSEN PLG & HTG INC REPAIRS $181.89 JOYRIDE PUBLIC TRANSIT ANNUAL SUPPORT $2,000.00 KB'S MINI MART AS/PROPANE $3,599.61 KEITH STILLMAN DRYWALL REPAIRS $1,480.00 LINCOLN FINANCIAL INSURANCE $238.25 LINCOLN WINWATER WORKS MTCE $1,188.77 LYONS MIRROR-SUN LEGAL PRINTING/JOB AD $947.79 MEGAN VAVRA JANITOR SERVICE $234.00 MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC TESTING $22.00 MS ROOF REPAIRS MTCE ROOF $637.00 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY INC OF SUPPL $338.55 MUTUAL OF OMAHA GROUP INS $228.45 NE DEPT OF HHS 2024 POOL LICENSE RENEWAL $40.00 NEBRASKA DEPT OF REVENUE PAYROLL STATE TAX $1,139.33 NOVUS COMPUTERS MTCE/SERV UPGRADE/365 EXCHANGE $3,354.50 NPGA NATURAL GAS PURCHASES $52,790.03 ONE OFFICE SOLUTION SUPPL $902.21 PORT-A-JOHNS SERV-JAN $70.00 RED BARN VETERINARY CLINI ANIMAL CONTROL ANNUAL FEE $ 75.00 RON DABERKOW GAS REIMBURSEMENT $218.15 SAPP BROS PETROLEUM INC PROPANE $20.00 SAVEMORE MARKET SUPPL $25.23 SCOTT'S HARDWARE MTCE $189.99 STEINY'S FARM REPAIR REPAIRS $347.66 STEINY'S GENERAL STORE MTCE/SUPPL $256.93 T & H ELECTRIC MTCE $747.51 US BANK BOOKS/POSTAGE $207.21 UTILITY SAFETY & DESIGN SUPPL $1,358.00 VERIZON WIRELESS SERV $267.62 WALTHILL SERVICE MTCE $180.00 WASTE CONNECTIONS OF NE GARBAGE SERVICE $8,193.20 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP SUPPL $93.09 WEST POINT IMPLEMENT MTCE YELLOW TRUCK $6,881.79 FEBRUARY CLAIMS INTOXIMETERS INC SUPPL $654.75 LINCOLN WINWATER WORKS MTCE/REPAIRS $764.29 NEBRASKA STATE PATROL 2024 MACH/TRAC $208.00 NOVUS COMPUTERS REPAIRS $67.50 ONE OFFICE SOLUTIONS SUPPL $417.09 RON DABERKOW GAS/MEAL REIMBURSEMENT $106.35 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP SUPPL $6,164.27 Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Phillips to approve the consent agenda. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. REGULAR AGENDA / NEW BUSINESS Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Vacha to approve Council Member Matthew Carr’s absence from February through May, 2024. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Phillips to enter into a general administration/construction management contract with NENEDD for the Community Block Grant 23PFW003. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Phillips to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2024-02 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYONS, NEBRASKA, ADOPTING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO THE NEBRASKA LOCAL OPTION MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THAT TWO (2) ISSUES BE PLACED ON THE BALLOT FOR THE NEBRASKA PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 14, 2024, TO WIT: CONSIDERATION BY THE MUNICIPALITY’S ELECTORS TO ADOPT THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AS PRESENTED AND (2) CONSIDERATION BY THE MUNICIPALITY’S ELECTORS TO FUND THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH A LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX OF ONE-HALF PERCENT (0.5%). On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Steinmeyer to approve the Agreement between JEO and the City of Lyons for the Downtown Revitalization Visioning Plan with a lump sum price of $3,500. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Steinmeyer for the city to pay fees for JEO to engineer the construction of a concession stand at the ball fields. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Steinmeyer to approve a 50% match of up to $25,000 for the Lower Elkhorn NRD Urban Conservation Assistance Program if awarded. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Steinmeyer to approve a 50% match of up to $25,000 for the Lower Elkhorn NRD Recreation Area Development Program in awarded. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Chief Svendsen presented the January police report. The report included 23 calls for service, 4 traffic accidents, and 42 Ordinance violations. NCJIS Training was completed and enrolled in Management Training at NLETC October 1-3. Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Phillips to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2024-03 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYONS, NEBRASKA, ADOPTING A POLICE CODE OF CONDUCT, POLICE POLICY 003 – VEHICLE OPERATIONS, POLICE POLICY 004 – COMMAND STRUCTURE, POLICE POLICY 005 – DRESS CODE. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Library Director Mike Heavrin Library and Grant Report: Income in December was $1,725 and this is $1,131.25 above the monthly budgetary goal. Income for the fiscal year totals $2,135.90, which is $1,542.15 above our FY 2023-2024 goal. Expenses for December came to $4,468.35, which was $407.90 below the monthly budget. Fiscal year expenses total $14,199.96, and that is $428.79 below the approved budget for this point in FY 2023-2024. Grant Update: DED awarded the City of Lyons $415,321 in CDBG Public Works Grant for the park project. Donald E. Nielsen Foundation awarded the City $110,000 to be used in matching funds for CDBG Grant and the Ball concessions. A grant proposal was submitted to the Fremont Area Community Foundation to purchase AED’s, trauma kits, and stop the bleeds—no word on if we have been awarded yet. Mayor Brink ordered agenda item for raise for Svendsen be removed due to being unnecessary. Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Phillips to not refund demand charges for electric usage for select businesses. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Vacha to accept Clerk Anderson’s Treasurer Report. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. General, Utility, and Debt Service Income Statements for the month ending January 31st, 2024. The General Fund had a month-to-date net gain of $12,997.04 and a year-to-date net gain of $97,698.48. The Utility Fund had a month-to-date net gain of $36,122.37 and a year-to-date net gain of $123,916.10. Debt Service had a month-to-date net gain of $10,133.29 and a year-to-date net loss of $109,227.94. Budget reports for the fourth month (33.3%) on the General, Utility, and Debt Service Funds were as follows: General Receipts were 20.77%. General Expenses were 14.05%. Utility Receipts were 36.75%. Utility Expenses were 28.38%. Debt Service Receipts were 12.81% and Debt Service Expenses were 88.51% Motion by Vacha, seconded by Steinmeyer to table the hiring of Pool manager for the 2024 season until March Council Meeting. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Phillips to approve the Janitorial Contract for the Community Center with Megan Vavra. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Steinmeyer to approve Interlocal Agreement for Rural Transit Program Funding. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Vacha to approve the Class D Liquor License renewal to KenEm LLC dba KB’s Mini Mart. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Steinmeyer, seconded by Vacha to approve the Class D Liquor License renewal to Herbolsheimer Stores Inc dba Savemore Market (Lyons). On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Phillips, seconded by Steinmeyer to approve payment of $3,599.61 to KB’s Mini Mart. On roll call: AMPVF. MC. Motion by Vacha, seconded by Phillips to approve payment of $256.93 to Steiny’s General Store. On roll call, AYE: Phillips, Vacha, Brink. NAY: None. ABSTAIN: Steinmeyer.MC Mayor Brink adjourned the meeting at 7:27 PM. Whitney Anderson, City Clerk A complete text of the minutes is on file in the office of the City Clerk, 335 Main Street, during regular business hours or online at ZNEZ LMS 02-29-24