Josh’s Landing dedication on the 27th

Friendship remembered of adventurous young man


News of the death of one of Oakland’s own shook the community in December, 2017, when 20-year-old Josh Mulder was killed in an automobile accident.  The son of Rick and Susan Mulder will be remembered as a fun-loving adventurous friend to many.  Those friends came together to embrace his memory through the construction of Josh’s Landing.

The entrance to the Logan Creek from the Oakland City Park suffered extensive damage in back-to-back flooding in recent years.  As plans were being discussed to rebuild that area, a group of men came together to honor Josh by rebuilding what he often enjoyed, as he would kayak with friends on the creek.

Oakland City Councilmember Luke Blanc oversaw the parks before stepping down at the end of 2022.  One project he saw through to completion was the naming and construction of Josh’s Landing.  

“This was a collective effort with many involved to make it happen,” Blanc shared.  

Several individuals, including himself, Pete Thiele, Marc Rexroad, Scott Gatewood, Jeff Troupe and others began to explore the project following the recent floods.

Blanc secured two different FOOF grants for the rebuilding of the launch site and the installation of white fence to mark out the area.  Enlisting the help of Rexroad, the gentlemen turned to the skilled trades department at Oakland-Craig.

Rexroad said that Jesse Droescher and Kyler Case took to the task of designing and leading in construction of the entryway to Josh’s Landing.  

“Josh had a great group of friends that wanted to do something special for him,” Rexroad said.  “From design to installation, students came together to set the memorial in place.” 

“I want to thank the Friends of Oakland Foundation for their generous grants to help see this project through,” Blanc said.  “A special thank you to Burt County Public Power for use of their equipment to set the foundation in place.”

Scott Swenson has replaced Blanc on the council and shared of his desire to continue to improve the landing to the Logan Creek to make it accessible to more adventure seekers in the future.

A dedication/ribbon cutting is being held on Thursday, July 27, at 3 p.m. at the site of the Logan Creek on the West side of the Oakland City Park.  All are invited to attend.