City of Oakland Council Proceedings November 14th, 2023 On November 14th, 2023 the governing body met for a special meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oakland, Nebraska, which was held at the Municipal Building, 401 North Oakland Avenue in Oakland, Nebraska. This meeting is regarding Resolution 2023-14 POLICY SETTING A DOLLAR LIMIT ON THE VALUE OF ITEMS OF APPRECIATION AWARDED TO CITY OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND VOLUNTEERS. The public had been advised of the meeting by three public places: the City Auditorium, Post Office, and First NE Bank of Nebraska as well as Social Media. Mayor Dan Jacobs started the meeting at 12:00 p.m. with Roll Call. Council President Nathan Anderson, Council Member Jeremiah Johansen, Council Member Scott Swenson, and Council Member Amy Denker-Rost were all in attendance in person and via Zoom. All present Voting: Aye (Nathan, Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 4, Nay - 0. In attendance was Clerk Kayla Eisenmenger. Motions were made, seconded, and carried for the following items of business: 1. At 12:00pm Council President Anderson made a motion to open the public hearing adopting a policy setting a dollar limit on the value of items of appreciation awarded to city officers, employees, and volunteers. Motion was seconded by Council Member Johansen. All present Voting: Aye (Nathan, Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 4, Nay - 0. Discussion of the range to the max of $150.00 for per employee/city officer/volunteer for a value of an item of appreciation award. With no public present and no further discussion, the public hearing was motioned to close by Council President Anderson at 12:01 pm. Motion seconded by Council Member Denker-Rost. All present Voting: Aye (Nathan, Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 4, Nay - 0. 2. At 12:02pm Council Member Johansen made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-14. Motion was seconded by Council President Anderson. All present Voting: Aye (Nathan, Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 4, Nay - 0. 3. Adjourned At 12:03 pm A complete transcript of the council agenda/minutes is available at the City Clerkâs office and at ZNEZ OI 11-23-23