City of Oakland Council Proceedings January 22nd, 2024 On January 22nd, 2024, the governing body met for a regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oakland, Nebraska, which was held at the Municipal Building, 401 North Oakland Avenue in Oakland, Nebraska. The public had been advised of the meeting by the publication of notice in Oakland Independent as well as three public places: City Auditorium, Post Office, and First NE Bank of Nebraska. Council President Nathan Anderson started the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with Roll Call. Council Member Jeremiah Johansen, Council Member Scott Swenson, and Council Member Amy Denker-Rost. were all in attendance. All present Voting: Aye (Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 3, Nay - 0. In attendance was Clerk Kayla Eisenmenger, Scheduled Citizens: Steiny. Citizens: Jeff Troupe. 1. At 7:02 pm Motion was made by Council Member Swenson seconded by Council Member Denker-Rost that all items under the consent agenda be approved as presented. All present Voting: Aye (Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 3, Nay - 0. 1513 NCSPC 1326 GWORKS 402.47 129.09 1533 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS 108.55 990 Oakland Hghts ( 368.70 1141 COLONIAL LIFE 304.66 1513 NCSPC 402.47 2018 Rodney H. Johnson 84.38 1515 AARON BRENSEL 124.98 1033 FASTWYRE BROADBAND 359.91 323 SCOTT'S HARDWARE .00 323 SCOTT'S HARDWARE 580.29 872 ANDY'S QUIK STOP 229.36 744 BLACK HILLS ENERGY 464.37 272 Blanc's Body & Glass 3,625.86 922 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD NE 10,195.00 2019 Braniff Service 22.00 1068 Burt Co. Sheriff's Office 36.00 31 Central Valley Ag Cooperative 876.72 1349 CLASSIC CLEAN CARWASH 95.00 7 Colonial Research Chemical Cor 598.49 967 Farmer's Pride 231.85 703 FIRST NATIONAL BANK- HSA 410.27 1209 GREAT PLAINS UNIFORM 6,279.56 1495 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SVCS 275.47 1326 GWORKS 5,034.00 190 Ingram Library Services 361.91 55 Johnson & Mock 1,127.50 1537 JUSTIN KING 955.77 254 K-C Parts & Repairs 43.29 1357 LEE NORQUIST 600.00 1519 LOWE'S 528.42 1500 LOWER ELKHORN NRD 155.87 756 Menard's - Fremont 2,594.58 1311 NE DEPT OF REV-GAMING 102.00 59 Nelson's Food Pride 13.99 896 ANDREW E CULLEN 2,707.50 22 Nebraska Public Power District 2,598.09 1280 OAKLAND EXPRESS 876.72 34 Oakland Independent 277.17 1359 OAKLAND LUMBER LLC 26.01 1473 ONE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 404.56 1020 Peterson Body & Paint, Inc. 322.65 43 Petty Cash 200.00 1123 RIC ORTMEIER 11,445.00 788 Rosa Schmidt 251.04 1331 SCHEELS 3,369.07 1025 Skywave Wireless, Inc. 140.00 1533 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS 114.10 730 Verizon Wireless 1,794.33 14 EFTPS 6,554.19 E-PAY 703 FIRST NATIONAL BANK- HSA 265.00 E-PAY 1132 EMPOWER RETIREMENT 1,015.20 E-PAY 14 EFTPS 6,970.87 E-PAY 67 Nebraska Dept.of Revenue 2,425.30 E-PAY 703 FIRST NATIONAL BANK- HSA 2,345.00 E-PAY 1132 EMPOWER RETIREMENT 1,130.29 E-PAY 1033 FASTWYRE BROADBAND 100.69 323 SCOTT'S HARDWARE 83.04 744 BLACK HILLS ENERGY 424.27 922 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD NE 1,877.17 31 Central Valley Ag Cooperative 511.78 7 Colonial Research Chemical Cor 630.99 967 Farmer's Pride 721.38 1538 FENIX 261.80 1234 NE DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAB 380.00 611 Nebraska Public Health 45.00 1226 NNSWC LANDFILL 1,030.09 22 Nebraska Public Power District 2,914.64 1280 OAKLAND EXPRESS 511.78 887 ONE CALL CONCEPTS INC 9.98 43 Petty Cash 200.00 1492 TEAM LAB 371.50 1533 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS 21.71 730 Verizon Wireless 130.17 2. At 7:27 pm Council Member Swenson made a motion to approve Water Supervisor Dan Tanksley III to attend Water Conference in Kearney from March 12th, 2024 to March 15th, 2024 for continuing education hours. Council Member Johansen seconded the motion. All present Voting: Aye (Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 3, Nay - 0. 3. At 7:29 pm Council Member Johansen made a motion to approve Clerk Kayla Eisenmenger to attend Clerk School in Columbus, NE March 12th -15th, 2024, and attend Accounting Finance Conference in Lincoln, NE February 26th -27th, 2024 for Treasurer hours and continuing education hours. Motion was seconded by Council Member Denker-Rost. All present Voting: Aye (Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 3, Nay - 0. 4. At 7:31 pm Council Member Denker-Rost made a motion to pass Resolution 2024-1 "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OAKLAND, NEBRASKA, ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING CAMPING ON CITY GROUNDS AND FACILITIES; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. " Motion was seconded by Council member Swenson. All present Voting: Aye (Jeremiah, Scott, Amy)- 3, Nay - 0. Adjourned At 7:40 pm A complete transcript of the council agenda/minutes is available at the City Clerk’s office and at ZNEZ OI 02-15-24