Oakland Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the City of Oakland, Nebraska will hold a public hearing on June 19th, 2023 at 7:00pm at the City Auditorium, 401 N. Oakland Ave, Oakland, NE. …


Oakland Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the City of Oakland, Nebraska will hold a public hearing on June 19th, 2023 at 7:00pm at the City Auditorium, 401 N. Oakland Ave, Oakland, NE. concerning a Water System Improvements Project for the proposed construction of a water treatment facility, water storage, two wells and water main system improvements, as required for State Revolving Loan Funding from the Nebraska Department of Environment an Energy and other funding Agencies. The purpose of this public hearing is to discuss the proposed project and the potential impact to the existing water rates. All local citizens and any other interested parties, governmental agencies, or groups are encouraged to comment. The improvements will be located northeast of the city. The estimated cost provided in 2021 is $6,720,780. Funding for the project will be provided by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF). The funding will be utilized for the estimated cost of the treatment system, wells, water storage, and appurtenances, professional service fees, and financial costs. All persons interested in the design, location and construction of the water system improvements are invited to appear and express their views. Written statements may be submitted prior to or at the time of the hearing. ZNEZ OI 05-04-23