Minutes of the Burt County Board of Supervisors The Burt Co. Board of Supervisors met Jan. 11, 2022 in the Boardroom of the Burt Co. Courthouse in Tekamah, NE. Notice was given in the Lyons Mirror …


Minutes of the Burt County Board of Supervisors The Burt Co. Board of Supervisors met Jan. 11, 2022 in the Boardroom of the Burt Co. Courthouse in Tekamah, NE. Notice was given in the Lyons Mirror Sun, upon a 1st floor bulletin board within the courthouse and on the Co.’s Website. A proof of publication is on file with Co. Clerk. The following members were present: David Schold, Gary “Bird” Swanson, Paul Richards, Carl Pearson, Dale Webster and Ted Connealy. Absent – District 1 The meeting opened at 9:00 A.M. with the pledge of Allegiance. Co. Clerk Sarah Freidel informed the public that the Open Meeting Act is posted on the wall. The first order of business was reorganization. David Schold was elected Chairman of the Board for 2022 and Ted Connealy be elected Vice-Chairman of the Board for 2022. The agenda was approved… motion Webster, Swanson, Ayes – 6. Absent – District 1. The minutes of the last meeting were approved… motion Connealy, Webster, Ayes 6. Absent – District 1. Monthly office reports, fund balances, Sheriff’s quarterly, Treasurer’s 6 mth. Report, December misc. receipts of $429,134.21 were all approved… motion Connealy, Webster. Ayes – 6. Absent – District 1. moved for adoption of Resolution 2022-01 approving Co. Depositories (First Nebraska Bank, Decatur; First Northeast Bank of Nebraska, Tekamah; and Washington County Bank, Tekamah.) for 2022 calendar year… motion Connealy, Richards. Ayes - 6 Absent – District 1. As part of reorganization for 2022, the Board reviewed and approved their board committee appointments for calendar year 2022… motion Richards and Swanson. Ayes – 6. Absent – District 1. See website for listing in the full minutes. Burt Co. Economic Development Board members were approved… motion Webster, Ayes – 6. Absent – District 1. 2022 Board appointments: re-appoint Gary Swanson and Jennifer Hinman for 1 year, and appoint Ted Connealy for 1 year. The Board designated the Burt Co. Website as an additional method of providing meeting dates, holiday closing dates, notice of meetings and other publications for Burt Co. business. Lot Split signed for: DOUG JOHNSON - 5.88 ac tr. in pt NW ¼ SW ¼ of 16-20-9. Communications (3): (1) NE Loess Hills RC&D - 2021 Report; (2) NACO: Inheritance Tax Legislation for elimination of Inheritance Tax – a letter was submitted by Burt Co. in opposition of LB310; (3) NE Dept. of Revenue: Burt Co Assessment Practices Report After taking comments from Burt Co. District Court Clerk, Michele Quick, the board moved to adopt different Salaries for Elected Officials elected for the 2023-2026 term. Board Members Connealy and Webster moved for adoption of Resolution 2022-02. By roll call vote: Ayes – Swanson, Richards, Pearson, Webster, Connealy and Schold. Nays – none. Absent – District 1. Resolution was adopted and will supersede Resolution 2021-37 that was previously passed Dec. 28, 2021. RESOLUTION #2022-02 Salaries for 2023-2026 Term (supersedes #2021-37) WHEREAS, Section 23-1114, R.R.S. Nebraska provides that the County Board shall set the salaries of elected officials prior to January 15 of the year in which a general election will be held for the respective county offices, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Burt County Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the following annual salaries for the offices of the elected county officials as listed below for the calendar year of 2023: OFFICE SALARY for term starting 2023 County Board of Supervisors $15,500.00 County Assessor $60,000.00 County Attorney $60,000.00 County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Election Commissioner $60,000.00 Clerk of the District Court $60,000.00 County Treasurer $60,000.00 County Sheriff $69,000.00 County Surveyor $10,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, the Burt County Board of Supervisors authorize the office of County Clerk/Deeds/Election Official to receive an additional annual compensation in the amount of $2,500.00 for the calendar years of 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026 for annual budget duties the office performs in addition to the statutory duties of the combined offices, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in addition to the salaries set forth above, the Burt County Board of Supervisors authorize an annual increase during the term of office (2024, 2025, 2026) based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) – Midwest Index as established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, not to exceed a 6% increase, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in addition to the above salary and adjustments, the elected officials shall be offered the same health and medical group plan that is offered to all county employees, under the same terms, conditions, and contributions and subject to any modifications of such plans made during the term of office and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in addition to the above stated salary, adjustments and group plan, all elected officials shall be enrolled in and shall receive the same benefits of the County Employees Retirement System as set forth in Nebr. Rev. Stat. Section 23-2301 et seq. DATED this 11th day of January, 2022 at Tekamah, Nebraska. SARAH J. FREIDEL BURT COUNTY CLERK DAVID SCHOLD, CHAIRMAN BURT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chairman Schold opened a public hearing at 9:16 A.M. in order to take comments about petition request to vacate Road #60: (Co.Rd. 21 between Co.Rd. R and S). (Opposition) Hwy. Supt and Board Member Richards both reported that they’d received written comments in opposition of the closure; from the township board and from a private citizen. Chytka cited §39-1726, a road shall not be vacated unless the township requests so. Public comment from Greg Brummond (Craig twp citizen)- if township is against this it should be a mute point for the board to consider. (Neutral): Ben Hollman, 1842 CoRd. 21 – lives on this stretch of road – expressed concerns of where the closure would start on this stretch; he cautioned that thought and planning about this will need to be considered if action is taken on vacation/closure of this stretch because people do get stuck and he wants them to be able to turn around. The public hearing was closed at 9:25 A.M. The board will take no further action on this closure request. Chairman Schold opened a public hearing at 9:26 A.M. to take comments for a CUP for AMG Technology Investment Group dba Nextlink to place a 120’ monopole tower for highspeed internet in Section 32 Township 24 Range 9E in Logan Township. The Zoning Board had approved this CUP at their Jan. 3, 2022 meeting. There was no public comment. The public hearing was closed at 9:27 A.M. Chairman Schold opened a public hearing at 9:27 A.M. to take comments for a CUP for AMG Technology Investment Group dba Nextlink to place a 120’ monopole tower for highspeed internet in Section 7 Township 23 Range 9E in Logan Township. The Zoning Board had approved this CUP at their Jan. 3, 2022 meeting. There was no public comment. The public hearing was closed at 9:28 A.M. The two (2) CUPs were approved… motion Webster, Swanson. Ayes – 6. Absent – District 1. Chairman Schold opened a public hearing at 9:29 A.M. to take comments for a CUP for Buell Consulting on behalf of Parallel Infrastructure (AT&T) to place a 448’ guyed tower to provide improved coverage, and fund critical initiatives, such as FirstNet (for emergency response), 5G support, and other new technologies in Section 35 Township 24 Range 9E in Logan Township. The Zoning Board had approved this CUP at their Jan. 3, 2022 meeting. (In Favor) Christy Eikorn, from Buell representing AT&T (Opposition) Matt Munderloh, attorney for SBA (Other public commment) Greg Brummond, Craig TWP resident, feels this CUP should be approved for AT&T. The public hearing was closed at 10:14 A.M. The board will take no action on this today; the board requested Co. Atty review documents from both ‘sides’ and advise the board at a later date; a decision on this CUP will be entertained at the Feb. 25, 2022 board meeting. Emergency Manager position: Cheri Johansen was offered the position, but she declined. The committee of three (Swanson, Richards, Pearson) will continue to work review candidates; they’ll report back when they have another option. Sheriff’s Dept. requests (2): (1) metal detector - Deputy Bang explained that four departments are going to share the budget cost to purchase a metal detector for use outside of the Courtroom. (~$4,500.00) The vendor is requiring use of a credit card for purchase, the board approved the use of the credit card for the purchase. (2) Chief Deputy Buck reported on deputy positions; deputy #6 has been replaced and they are going to proceed to hire for deputy positions #7 and #8. The board approved the report/request. ROADS: Appoint 2022 Hwy. Superintendent: The Board appointed Ann Chytka as Burt Co. Hwy. Superintendent for 2022… motion Connealy, Pearson. Ayes – 6. Absent - District 1. Sandhills Solar: Michael Knapp submitted documents that he says will address the conditions placed on the CUP that was approved 3/9/2021. The documents will be reviewed by the board before the next meeting. Road Maintenance Contracts: contracts with Nebraska Game and Parks for road maintenance inside the Summit Lake SRA and Pelican Point SRA… approved upon motion Richards, Pearson, Ayes – 6. Absent - District 1. Chytka reported that she is working on gravel allocations for townships. PUBLIC COMMENT: (1) Greg Brummond (Craig TWP) asked about difference of wages approved via Dec. 28, 2021 Resolution 2021-37 and Jan. 11, 2022 Resolution 2022-02. (2) Bill Price, 1615 CoRd. 10, shared handout referencing Shadow Flicker Travel and FAA Lighting on wind turbines. The meeting adjourned at 11:22 A.M. upon motions by Connealy and Swanson. Next meeting: January 28, 2022 at 9:00 A.M. SARAH J. FREIDEL BURT CO. CLERK These minutes are not the official record; a complete copy is available at the Clerk’s Office or on our website at www.burtcounty.ne.gov . Official minutes are not yet approved. ZNEZ LMS 1-20-22